Vivid 2015
Vivid a winter event in Sydney. It's on each year. This year it was on between 22nd May - 8th Jun 2015.
Normally you'll see displays in the city, but this year it was spread out in different places.
I will admit. I dislike crowded places, so I don't bother going to events/festivals as much anymore. I'm become old, yes i know =P
This year I went to the event in Chatswood because it had the under the sea theme.
There wasn't that many displays but it was worth going.
The main walkway had one display, which was a Nautilus (see picture above) and in the train station had fish hanging from the ceiling (see picture below).
It had two physical displays and it was interesting to see something different.
I haven't been to a vivid event since 2012/2013. Because the years after that didn't seem interesting.