FREE Easter bunny SVG

Easter is coming around the corner in April. I got out my sketchbook and designed some SVG with Easter theme.
What comes to mind when you think of Easter? Chocolate eggs? Jesus? Rabbit? MORE chocolate?

Today’s free Easter SVG is a simple one layer file. It’s a shape of a rabbit with flowers.

Review: The Dress 2 by Shinohara Tomoe

This book is all about creating dresses.
In Japan they call dresses as “one piece”. When I was smaller I loved wearing dresses but as I’ve grown up, now I prefer the comfort of pants. I brought this book, so I can make the dresses I would like to wear.

Otedama (お手玉)

Recently I've been making otedama bags. It's like happy sacks, a small bag filled with beans. It can be used for juggling or to play a game which is similar to jacks. Otedama is a Japanese children's game, which uses 5 bags.