Welcome to Niji Spiral.
It’s all about photography, cooking and craft/sewing.

Weekly Photo: Rose Lychee Cake from The Whale Tea

Weekly Photo: Rose Lychee Cake from The Whale Tea

Camera: OldRoll

Weekly Photo: Rose Lychee Cake from The Whale Tea

I love trying sponge cakes. I came across a shop called The Whale Tea.
They sell mini sponge cake and it was really soft and tasty. Above picture is the Rose Lychee Cake.
The packaging in the picture, is a clear ball, with a black paper box for the outer cover. It was a really cute design. But I don’t think the clear ball can be recycled though.

Weekly Photo: Chocolate Tuk Tuk

Weekly Photo: Chocolate Tuk Tuk

Weekly Photo: Andersen’s of Denmark

Weekly Photo: Andersen’s of Denmark