Welcome to Niji Spiral.
It’s all about photography, cooking and craft/sewing.

Weekly Photo Wrap Up April 2023

Weekly Photo Wrap Up April 2023

Wow did April go by really quick. I thought my photos was a food theme, but I didn’t notice my first picture was candles! doh!
I have videos that I’m currently editing but I keep getting sick. it’s an annoying cycle of getting cold. take 2 weeks to recover, then catch something else.
My favourite picture of the month: Tuk Tuk chocolate. I was watching a show on how they design and then create the custom mould. It’s really interesting.

Weekly Photo: Laughing Clown Carnival Game

Weekly Photo: Laughing Clown Carnival Game

Weekly Photo: Chocolate Tuk Tuk

Weekly Photo: Chocolate Tuk Tuk