Welcome to Niji Spiral.
It’s all about photography, cooking and craft/sewing.

Weekly Photo: Rainbow Lorikeet

Weekly Photo: Rainbow Lorikeet

Camera: CameraRoll

Weekly Photo: Rainbow Lorikeet

It’s July! Which means there is 6 more months until Christmas. I always feel depressed because I have wasted 6 months not doing much with my task. But I will try and get as much done the next 5 months. I do have a backlog of videos to edit… Maybe I should look into exporting my video edit, but money is the problem.

To kick off July, it will be a bird theme.

I was walking through the park and this bird (Rainbow Lorikeet) was eating off the tree. As I am getting older, I feel like I see less of these birds around. It doesn’t help with the building development that happens everywhere. The animals lose their homes and gets pushed to different locations.
There uses to be a tree in a backyard and during the evening they would come and eat from the tree. They were very nosy because there would be lots of them.

Weekly Photo: Duck with fluff on head

Weekly Photo: Duck with fluff on head

Wrap up for June 2023

Wrap up for June 2023