Weekly Photo: Backstreet Boys Concert
Camera: OldRoll
Weekly Photo: Backstreet Boys Concert
The Backstreet Boys preformed in Sydney, Australia and it was amazing to see them again!
They were amazing with dancing and singing. I missed AJ’s amazing voice, Howie’s sweet voice, Brian’s cheeky speech, Kevin’s coolness and Nick’s singing voice has improved so much over time, I love it!
It brought out the BSB fangirl inside me. I was a HUGE fan back in my younger days. I even created a website called Backstreet Boys Fantasy World (I wonder if I should reboot it!). But most of the fansites has expired or faded away now. It was good times and I meet lots of fans around the world. As a bonus, I learnt about html and java. Websites these days is so much easier!
It was a fun night with a good mix of songs from all albums. As a bonus, I got to see AJ’s tooshi (underwear)! AJ’s dressing room door (on stage) wouldn’t close properly haha. So I guess being at the very top of the arena had a bonus in the end.
They all had their solo talk time with the audience, it was a nice touch.
I am forever thankful to the Backstreet Boys for their music and for being in my life, expressly during my teenager days (when you are an emo teenager! haha). They influenced a lot of things in my life and it is nice to watch everyone move on with their lives and grow.
Have you watched Turning Red? It really reminded me of my BSB fangirl days. I loved the movie a lot because I know how the characters felt. Lucky when the BSB first came to Sydney, I could afford the tickets myself and didn’t need to ask my parents.