Welcome to Niji Spiral.
It’s all about photography, cooking and craft/sewing.

Shinkansen train ride in 2013

Shinkansen train ride in 2013

I found an old video I record in 2013. It was the last 15mins on the Shinkansen, from Kyoto to Nagoya.
I did create who versions of the video; one with original audio and another one with Lo-hi music.
Throughout the video I was holding my camera, so it is a bit shaky. I really wish I didn’t have shaky hands!

I always enjoy looking at the country side and the sports grounds. I’m always impressed with how their school has big sports area.

I wish I recorded more videos than take photos during my Japan trip. I could have posted so much more videos. But back then vblogger wasn’t so popular. Agh. Missed opportunity I guess. But maybe I can make something nice with the old photos of Japan.

You can see below two videos. They are both the same video. One has original audio and the other has Lo-Fi music. Please enjoy!

Unboxing: Jiggly Cat Jelly (Korean candy/sweet)

Unboxing: Jiggly Cat Jelly (Korean candy/sweet)

Weekly Photo: Lego Lucky Cat

Weekly Photo: Lego Lucky Cat